ECIMF Project Overview |
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page contains a couple of quick facts that should help you understand
what this project is about:
The idea for a standardization project in the area of interoperability
between different e-commerce standards
been first presented to CEN/ISSS in May 2000 by
WebGiro AB, during Workshop
plenary meeting in Vienna. It has received overall positive reactions,
with recognition that the area is so complex and subject to so many
other projects that a more specific definition of scope is needed, as
well as clear support from both industry and research communities.
These conditions have been met through WebGiro's partnership with
industry leaders like Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft and MCI Worldcom, as
well as close cooperation with Swedish Royal Institute of Technology
(KTH). This group has jointly submitted a
revised proposal to establish
an official CEN/ISSS project within the Workshop for Electronic
This proposal has been very well accepted by the Workshop CAG (Chairman
Advisory Group), which resulted in April 2000 in the decision to form a
project group.
Please see the Documents section for
currently available materials and the Status
page for project tasks.
The ECIMF project aims to deliver:
A meta-framework,
which offers a modeling language, methodology, and prototype tools for
all e-commerce users to achieve secure interoperability of the service
regardless of system platforms and without major adjustments of existing
The most important characteristic of this project is
to provide a common platform and approach to enable interoperability
without enforcing major changes to the existing infrastructure. This is
in contrast with many other widely promoted approaches to
interoperability, which require from partners to be strictly conformant
to a common standard in order to participate in e-commerce.
There are strong reasons for preferring the "enable" instead
of (now commonly endorsed) "enforce" approach:
- Business partners may have already made
significant investments in building interfaces conforming to some
- Commonly used integration methodologies are
focused on data translation, which results in complex and inflexible
solutions. Changing such integration solutions to accommodate new
standards is often infeasible.
- There will always be legacy systems that need
to be integrated with the "standard of the year" external
interfaces. It is simply not realistic to hope that at some point in
time all systems will adopt and fully conform to one common standard
for every aspect of business communication
For these reasons, the
interoperability-enabling technologies will play an increasingly vital
role in the e-business communication.
The main purpose of this meta-framework is to facilitate the
interoperability by mapping the concepts and contexts between different
existing e-commerce frameworks, across multiple architectural layers. At
this stage we defined the following three layers of interoperability:
- Semantic: after identifying the key
concepts that each standard uses we need to provide an explicit
mapping between them, considering differences in contexts in which
they occur
- Dynamic: each e-commerce party
follows its own interaction patterns, as prescribed by its framework
rules. A process mediator specification needs to be designed in
order to align these conversation flows so that they meet each
- Syntax: the differences in message
formats, transport protocols and data element naming need to be

An important premise for this project is the
following definition of interoperability:
The interoperability, as seen from the business point of view,
takes place when the business effects for the two involved enterprises
are the same as if each of them conducted a given business process with
a partner using the same e-commerce framework.
As a consequence of this premise, the project applies a top-down
approach to the comparative analysis of the e-commerce frameworks, which
starts from the business process level. ECIMF also reuses the
experiences of other projects in the area of Business Process analysis
and modeling, such as UN/CEFACT Unified Modeling Methodology (UMM),
RosettaNet, OAG, ebXML, OMG and others.
The development and adoption of the ECIMF standard
should benefit especially the following groups:
- SME market:
The small companies no longer will be forced to restructure at
all costs their internal systems in order to conform to whatever
framework their bigger partners have. The interoperability bridges
that conform to ECIMF will allow them to do it gradually, based on
the economic principles, while at the same time allowing them to
participate in the e-commerce. This should result in more SME-s
joining the e-market, even though their internal economy systems may
not yet follow any standard e-commerce framework.
- System integrators:
The system integrators will be able to use a consistent
methodology, and a precise framework for defining the integration
bridges. The results of their work can be implemented on various
conforming platforms, no longer locking them (and their customers)
into a single proprietary tool. The overall cost for implementing
the integration solution, its maintenance and amount of manual labor
will be reduced.
- Software vendors:
The software vendors will be able to offer competitive
integration products that conform to the standard framework. This
means that their products will be more attractive to the customers,
who are more likely to choose a solution that guarantees them
certain level of independence. At the same time though, the
conformance to ECIMF should allow software vendors to offer clearly
understood added values, which are now very often misunderstood
because of the difficulty in comparing proprietary methodologies.
The manpower allocated on permanent basis to this
project comes currently from WebGiro and KTH (see the
Members page for details). Numerous other
individuals, and also the members of CEN/ISSS are involved on a
voluntary basis. Additionally, in later stages of the project, we intend
to find enough interest for the proof of concept implementation of the
ECIML-compliant agent from our industry partners to allocate additional
programming resources. We invite other workshop members, research
organizations, user groups and industry representatives to contribute
their resources and experiences to broaden the scope of the project.
The choice of particular topics for proof-of-concept
activities results from the limitations of the resources, and the need
to provide useful results in a limited time. Having this in mind, the
planned deliverables consist of the following:
- General ECIMF methodology (ECIMF-GM):
A document (CWA) describing in detail the multi-layered approach,
and the specification of the ECIMF methodology. This part will
result from the discussions on the general methodology on how to
approach the business process integration. The intention is to keep
this part vendor- and tool-independent. Depending on the involvement
of the project members, this document can have a value of either
general guidelines, or formalized methodology. Our aim is to provide
the latter.
- ECIMF technical specification (ECIMF-TS):
A document (CWA) containing the formal technical specification for
modeling notation constructs, and the serialized form for the models
(i.e. the ECIML and the MANIFEST specifications).
- The Proof of Concept implementation
This deliverable includes the tools to support the methodology -
the ECIMF Navigator based on the Conzilla for conceptual navigation
and calibration, integrated with a ManifestFactory implementation in
order to produce the MANIFEST recipes based on the model. It will
also contain a Proof of Concept mapping of two business processes
from different frameworks. This part may include additional examples
of mapping, depending on the contributed resources. If the timeframe
and the resources available will be sufficient, a basic
ECIML-compliant agent implementation will be created to support the
Proof of Concept mapping.
You can find the latest versions of these
documents on the Documents page.
The timeframe for this project is 18 months, in the period of
June 2001 - December 2002. During this time the milestones listed below
have been planned. See also the Status page
for the current status of reaching these milestones:
- M0: (Jun 2001): Initial Proof of
Concept (POC) for the approach
- Deliverables:
- Reformulate and elaborate on the FAM
CWA material in order to show how Conzilla tool can provide
structured and contextualized added value to a textual
- Provide an initial description of the
methodology for comparing the e-commerce frameworks (this
will form the draft of ECIMF-GM document).
- Prepare a simple example of mapping
the differences between two e-commerce frameworks (e.g.
BizTalk and e-Speak), using the proposed approach.
- M1: (Oct 2001): Initial ECIMF
specification and basic tools integration
- Deliverables:
- Initial version of the ECIMF-GM and
ECIMF-TS documents, and models of a concrete business
process in two selected e-commerce frameworks.
- Customization of the tools to support
the modeling notation introduced in ECIMF-GM.
- M2: (1Q 2002): Refined ECIMF
specifications and extended tool-chain
- Deliverables:
- Refinement of the ECIMF
specifications based on further comparative modeling of the
selected frameworks.
- · Extended support for the
process in the tool-chain: integration of Conzilla,
scripting language and the ECIML code generation to form the
ECIMF Navigator tool.
- M3: (4Q 2002): Further refinements to
ECIMF specifications, and a reference ECIML-compliant agent
- Deliverables:
- More refined ECIMF specifications,
and additions to the tool-chain to support the
- Depending on the support from
industry partners, a basic reference implementation of the
ECIML-compliant server.
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